So in my last post I had mentioned about going to get Cize Live certified, well I FREAKING DID IT!!!!!! Boy let me tell you what an experience that was! I had also been talking about how I was gaining more confidence and about breaking threw my comfort zones. (See previous blog post here) Well my certification day was no exception, I thought I was prepared oooh I wasn't lol. So we started out by learning the whole Cize class routine that we would be able to teach to others when we were done. It was an hour long and man I was feeling pretty great after that. I got most of the moves down and had survived though the whole thing. We then broke the routine down into smaller bits and then mastered the key moves to Cize. Lunch time hit and I was feeling pretty great about what I'd learned so far and that I was able to still move! After lunch we went into more detail on music and how to lead a class. Ok it wasn't something I had really given much thought about nor have I done anything like this before. I was always taught how to dance I hadn't done any teaching myself. So that lead to me stepping a little outside my comfort zone. I can do this, I used to be a dancer as a kid, I know a good beat when I hear one, I just have to learn how to count it out, I got this! We were then split up into groups so we could be the instructor and lead our groups through the moves. GULP, that's when things jumped WAY outside my comfort zone! I hadn`t expected to teach anyone anything when I was still learning myself!
So my turn came and I froze like a deer in the headlights. My brain went complete blank, I had no clue what I needed to do, I forgot all the moves, I honestly think I forgot how to breathe for a minute. I was so flustered and felt like a complete idoit and failure, how did I ever think I could do this! Luckily I was surrounded with some pretty amazing individuals who came to my rescue :) I was very greatful that they helped my through it. I was litrealy so embarressed I had tears running down my face. So why am I telling you this? Because I didn't die (though I suspect I may have actually had a slight anxiety attack, I was kinda starting to hyperventilate) But I didn't quit, I didn't give up and I didn't except defeat there.
Instead I just kept moving forward, I practiced, I watched what others did and I told myself just let go and have fun, that's what dancing is! I had continued help from the others and do you know what I did by the end of the day? I lead my group all by myself, with a smile and some confidence. I can not tell you how incredibly proud of myself that I am. It might not seem like that big of a deal to others but honestly to me it is a huge accomplishment. I honestly don't think I have been this proud of anything I have done thus far in my life.
So where to go from here? Only up of course! I will continue to practice because you know what they say practice makes perfect. I will continue to break down that comfort zone and go outside it, because I know that that is where success lies. To all of those instructors out there who teach any form of exercise, Thank You! You do an amazing job and I am happy to be counted amongst you.