Wow it's so hard to believe that 5 years ago I set out to living a happier healthier life! I am on a journey of a lifetime and I choose to celebrate this day! Why? Because I think it's freaking important! Lol seriously though its a milestone and worth celebrating and looking back on what I've learned and done over the last 5 years... the progress I made. What would my life be like if I had of not got up and decided things needed to change? What if I didnt try to eat healthy and start exercising 5 years ago? What size clothes would I be in? How would my health be? I shake my head at the very thought...
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Now I'm not saying that's it been easy over the last 5 years or that I have it all figure out... just the opposite! I'm still learning new things everyday and fueling my fire to help others and be a supporter and maybe even a mentor to those that are starting their own living lighter journey. I want to share with you a bit of a realization I came to this summer it's part of why I became a Beachbody Coach and why I started this blog...
I was sitting in the general session at Beachbody's Coach Summit in Nashville and was listening to Lindsay Matway a superstar Beachbody coach tell her story and this little light bulb clicked on in my head and I had this ah ha moment! I really related to what she was saying! I've just seemed so lost and like a failure in life. I often wonder why I was put here, for what purpose. When I found Beachbody I thought this could be my passion! But I've been lost in life, unmotivated and not truly happy. So I haven't been constient in my business and as a result I've just kind of been stuck in netrual and I need to put it into drive! Finally I've realized my purpose, my reason why.... I'm here to help other people reach their goals... I want to save others from drowning in there bodies like I have done and continue to do with myself!
Kind of amazing right? Yeah it's ok I cried too. So rather then focus on the negative because let's face I have not been 100% perfect with my nutrition or exercise this year, I want to focus on the good stuff! Like if you had of told me in high school that I would be certified instructor in Cize Live I would have laughed at you. I would have thought you completely crazy had you told me I would enjoy healthy eating and actually prefer it over McDonald's or other unhealthy choices for that matter. The fact alone that I would own actual workout clothes makes the elementary school girl that hated gym class drop her jaw in shock. And that I would be interested in learning why my body feels like crap after I eat certain foods and how I can solve this by changing my diet (damn you lactose!) or that by eating healthy and drinking water my complexion would be clear and not greasy and loaded with zits. Like whoa it's kind of mind blowing that one small task 5 years has turned into, a passion in my life! I'm so excited for what this next year of healthy living and learning to live lighter holds for me!
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