Sunday, July 15, 2018

Diet Culture Dropout

A person says "I'm going on a diet" about a thousand times and there's about a thousand different diets to go on. Ok that might be exaggerating but you get the point. Also all these diets seems to have the same things in common, restrict what you eat for a certain amount of time, then you crave that food you can't eat, ultimately you end up failing the diet because you "cheated" and ate something you shouldn't or you binge eat because you were so darn hungry! Frustrating right!? 

This past year I've been trying to take my weight loss journey on a different path.  I've decided to Love Myself and my body first.  I've been learning all about different ways of thinking and how important my own mindset is.  Have I lost any weight nope and to be honest I've probably gained weight and you know what thats OK. I'm learning. I'm growing.  To me that's more important right now.  So one of the things I've been learning about is being anti-diet.  Yep that's right I'm against diets.  That doesn't mean that I'm eating whatever I want but I have the freedom too and not feel bad about it.  Because food is just food, it isn't good or bad. You use it to fuel your body. Obviously you want to fuel it with nutritious food.  Once you take all restrictions off and breakup with them you have food freedom.  So yeah I can eat whatever I want but I usually choose to eat the nutritious stuff but when I want ice cream, chips or wine I'm going to have it and really enjoy it. Pretty mind blowing right?

I am still learning about this whole anti-diet life but it's made me see just how big Diet Culture really is.  I was part of it for a long long time. It's hard to break those old thinking patterns but there are better ways to think.  A few of the things I'm learning about is Intuitive Eating and being Healthy at Any Size.  Loving my body and accepting it as I am is probably the hardest part of this new journey.  The Diet Culture has drilled in my head that I should look a certain way and be a certain size.  It's EVERYWHERE!  Magazine, TV commercials, social media ads.  One thing I'm trying to control is my social media, I follow so many more positive people who are showing me there is a better way. I've inserted a few pics into this blog post.

Did you know that the Diet Culture is a billion dollar industry?  It has no problems taking your money to keep you going on the same diet cycle over and over because they know the real truth, that diets don't work. I'd rather spend my money on Self Care, thanks.  Taking care of me and making myself a priority is just one of the things I'm learning.  I'm really actually excited to countine to evolve my journey.  I'm still learning to Live Lighter but Loving Myself at the same time. ❤️