Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Secret Weapon

So when I first started out getting healthy and trying to lose weight it was like going on a Mission.... should I choose to accept it. I am really glad I did accept it but it certainly wasn't easy. Sure I failed my mission a few times but the main part was that I never aborted it and I kept on going. That is until I got to the dreaded last 15 pounds, it really is true when they say they are the Worst! I tried and tried and tried to loose them but that darn number never budged and when it would the next week it would jump back up again. That is when I pulled out my Secret Weapon....

I got a Personal Trainer and saw a Diet Coach. This is just what I needed, With my personal trainer we did things I never thought possible nor would I have done on my own.  Like for instance Running, I got on that treadmill and I gave it my best, and kept working away at and before I knew I was on there for an hour at a time. Trust me this was Huge, I never wanted to run after grade school every again.  I have also had knee surgery so I just didn't think I could do some of these things again.  I think that is one of the causes of my weight gain, after surgery I was afraid to hurt myself again and just figured I couldn't do anything.

Boy was I wrong... push ups, weights, punching bag (highly recommend), you name it I did it. I got stronger, built up my stamina and finally did start to lose those pounds :) With my food, I started a challenge to pick at least 2 or 3 new foods I had never tried before each week.  This helped me break a food rut that I was in, my motto was if its' not broke, don't fix it.  So I ate pretty much the same things every day for months not realizing it was ok to switch it up, there are other healthy foods out there.  I never would have found out that I don't mind zucchini and I will eat roasted asparagus, or tasted what a starfruit was like. So try new thing, you just never know what you might like unless you try it!

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