Wednesday, January 22, 2014


There has been a lot of different sources for motivation whether it be pictures, people or TV that have inspired me throughout my healthy journey so far. The very first thing that started to motivate me were TV shows. I love watching weight loss transformation TV shows, they encourage and inspired me to start to get healthy. If it wasn't for these few shows I don't know where I would be now. Maybe still drowning in fat.
I only watch the Biggest Loser every once in awhile but I like trainers Bob Harper (we share the same birthday) and Jillian Michaels. Shortly after Jillian Michaels left the show a few years back she had her own show Losing It that aired over the summer. I watched it faithfully and cried at the end of almost every episode. Yup I'm a sap hahaha. They just get me, every single time. It just tugs at my heart, watching people making such sacrifice and changing there lives so dramatically.  So after watching that show I decided to make a change. I could do it, I could lose it!
Fast forward to the fall and still hadn't really gotten started but knew I wanted to. I started watching Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition hosted by Chris Powell. I really love this show and watch it every season.  After a few more teary episodes I did start my journey because I figured if these people who are all much heavier then I was can lose over 100 lbs in 1 year surely I could lose 50! I even emailed Chris when I hit my goal to thank him for inspiring me! I did get a response back but not from Chris directly. I even follow Chris's wife Heidi on facebook as she posts some awesome recipes. For instants I never would have thought to substitute a rice cake for bread in these Turkeywiches.
When I started out I thought that 50 pounds sounded like way to much of a goal to accomplish.  So I set a short term goal to loose 30 lbs by my 30th Birthday that year. I found that breaking down my goal helped out alot, it didn't seem so daunting. I might not have reached that mini goal but got close at 25 lbs but most importantly I was starting to learn to eat more healthy and work out. Just one small change is all it takes :) 

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