Saturday, December 31, 2016

Late Night Promises

Well you know I just really thought that 4am was the best time to start writing a blog post apparently... Sigh. Yup I couldn't sleep, I had so many thoughts and ideas and goals running around my head for what I want to accomplish in 2017 that I almost thought maybe I should just  get up and start tackling them now like say who needs sleep anyways!?  OK lets add sleeping better to the list of things to accomplish in 2017 also.  I don't really like calling them resolutions because no one hardly ever sticks to those so I'm going to make promises.  I do feel a sense of re motivation and purpose and that I have a fresh clean slate.  Goodbye 2016 you weren't horrible like most people are saying, I grew and learned alot about Myself. I also grew another pant size...

I think sometimes you have to get to that point where you've had enough and I'm there.  I'm at the heaviest I've been since starting my journey 6 years ago and I really just want to be the best version of me that I know I can be.  I'm done hiding, I'm done hating myself, I'm done making excuses and treating my body as a garbage can.  Do you know where that's gotten me?  Unhappy with the way I look because I've gained weight, out of shape because I stopped working out and lazy because I lost my mojo.

But do you want to know the one thing I haven't lost?  HOPE.  I know that I can be amazing because well I freaking am!  And I know that I have a great life ahead of me and by golly do you know what... I'm going to Friggin' Live it!  I'm got lots of passion in my heart and I have always been at this Living Lighter journey so that I could help others, I want to inspire people with my own actions.  I'm going to get my ass off the couch and sweat to a work out, I'm going to drink Shakeology every day, I'm going to meal prep and plan because I know that will lead to my success, I'm also going to learn to enjoy myself too because everyone needs a Faturday in there life were you can indulge and not feel guilty and I'm going to share my journey back to ME with you. Because I want to be healthy and I want to live my life to the fullest. I'm doing this for me and nobody else. I'm going to be Selfish!  I know that I can count on my own Coach for support and my Teammates are like a big second family and want you to be able to turn to me when you need my support too. I hope you continue to follow my journey and become inspired and motivated yourself. These are all my promises to myself that I can and I will make 2017 the Healthiest and Happiest year and I wish the same for you!  ❤️

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Little Hidden Gems

So healthy eating in a small town is sometimes a bit difficult. You can't always find exactly what you are looking for and sometimes have to search for what you do want. In recent years the main grocery store has gotten better however that was in large part due to a company campaign which I am greatful for. You do not know the joy I had walking in to find an entire isle devoted to organic, gluten free and healthy alternatives! (Cue joyous music) however when it comes to eating out there is still work to be done. I was spoiled a few summers ago well working temporarily in a different location. They had this store, just up the street and let me tell you it was freaking amazing! (cue full blown choir here).

An entire store in a relatively small town catering to healthy food. Part shop part restaurant. It is called Sweet Greens in case you are wondering. I would often shop for healthy snacking goodies, well I placed a lunch order. They carried a variety I couldn't get at home, I found the most amazing coconut almond milk that I can only get out of town as well a french vanilla coconut milk coffee creamer. It's heavenly.

The food was equally tasty I mean an organic Greek salad. I learned some tricks eating there like putting chick peas in my salad and hummus in a wrap, like who needs meat anyways! Just kidding this gal does lol. I was sad to leave this place behind, I mean I can go back it's just not as convenient.

So much to my surprise I stumbled upon a place in my own hometown. It started with a coffee and is definitely becoming this dairy free girl's favorite place. It is called the Minga. So Minga is a meaning of coming together which is what the intentions are. They have space for community activities, events, workshops and meeting place. They offer after school mentoring it's an all ages and abilities place. There is a cafe offering hot and cold beverages, a healthy menu of locally sourced and seasonal soups, salads, sandwiches appetizers and desserts. This is my favorite part!

Maple Latte with Apple Spice muffin
Seriously the first coffee I had could compete with my addiction to Starbucks when out of town. Then I tried the maple latte... OMG! It's just so Canadian and delicious you won't get that kind of quality ingredients in a Starbucks latte anyways. I have eaten there a number of the times now as an added perk of working back in my hometown and it being right up the street. However I won't forget the first time I ate there, having a delicious grilled veggie wrap that made me learn you can put quinoa in a wrap! Like why didn't I think of that before?

My second meal was after working late one night, I just wanted something quick and healthy and Subway just wasn't cutting because really that is the only other place I know of where I can get a quick healthy meal. Enter the Minga, I went in and grabbed black bean and quinoa burger topped with avocado. I admit I was a little nervous, I've never had anything like this before I was hoping I hadn't made a huge mistake. I assure you I did not! It was excellent!

So it won't surprise you to know that I ate there this past Friday lol.  I stepped outside my comfort food bubble and tried something else new to me, Moroccan Tomato Chickpea soup with tortilla chips, I've never had Moroccan spice before... so good!  But I think I might have saved the best for last...  A Chocolate dipped Gingerbread man. Oh yes I did!

I am happy to know I have another healthy eating option (OK the Vegan Donuts may not be 💯% healthy) but for times when I just don't want to cook myself something because let's be honest those days do happen. And knowing there is better alternatives then fat fast food is all the power! With that I will sign off now Happy for Healthy options!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Life of a Fit Foodie

Wait just one minute I have to snap a picture of my meal...
Sunday Dinner, yes there was wine
Ok thanks, got it!  Doesn't that look so yummy?!  So I'll admit it, I take selfies of my food... I'm sure I look weird and I know my family thinks it's bizarre but oh well!  I like seeing what other people eat and I hope they find what I'm eating interesting too!  I try not to bombard my regular Facebook with to many pics I mostly focus it on my Living Lighter page and most of all on Instagram! (I know you want to check me out on IG now @coachmichlg) Oh it's like a whole community over there you guys like wow.  Some people call it Food Porn but I like to call myself a Fit Foodie as I like to post about my healthy eating lifestyle.

So what are some things I've learned about taking pictures of my food you may ask... well I can't be totally boring with the food I eat or I'd have no pictures to take at all lol.  Also I try to go for things that I think look good... close ups a plenty.  Also I'm still mastering my kitchen / cooking skills so when I do a good job you know I am so totally going to toot my own horn by sharing it!  And really what better way to share then with a picture of my culinary perfection.  Ok well probably not perfection I'm no master chef.

Being a Fit Foodie also keeps me accountable.  I mean I'm posting Fit food not junk food, so I need to be eating healthy food in order to have the content available to be able to post about it.  Sometimes I post because I'm excited to share a new product I've found or I'm having something I really enjoy, like Starbucks :) Ya know because for this lactose intolerant chick it's amazing to go there and have an incredibly tasty latte and k ow that it will be dairy free.

So something's you need to know when we go out for dinner or just about anywhere with a Fit Foodie...  If we are in the grocery store in a "big" city I'm going to be hitting that natural food section hard.  It can be full of different products to try and discover.  Like just the other day I found my seasonal Cliff bars and it made me so excited I beelined it for the display. (I'll post a pic below 😉)  If we are in a mall and there's a health food store I will slow down and window shop to see if I spy anything interesting.  Lastly going for dinner... Yeah so if I order something and it looks so damn good I will be taking a picture before I eat it. I will try to wait to post it later but sometimes I just get carried away. Yes I've gone to eat my food and it's gone slightly cold but still just as tasty.  I mean you gotta get just the right angle to make that tastiness appear in the picture! And if I'm at home there is just no question that Fit Foodie pics are going to happen.

So my advice if you are thinking of becoming a Fit Foodie... Just go for it!  Be creative and try different angles or maybe you want to make a theme and only post about something specific like smoothies or Kale.  I mean you might get some weird looks and questioning glances but seriously us other Fit Foodie's out there totally get it. Be You 100%. of the Time!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

How do you spell STRESS?

Isn't it C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E or C-H-I-P-S?  Yeah those sound like the usual go to's unless it's super stress and then you just head straight for the W-I-N-E!  But alas when you are trying to lose weight these things will derail your efforts and cause negative effects.  What to reach for instead... A workout! 

Yes really,  I know what your thinking trust me on this I haven't gone totally crazy yet.  It will probably be the LAST thing on your to do list but it will help.  By working out it forces you to focus your attention and thoughts on doing the moves properly and what's coming up next.  Soon you will be sweating and forgetting all about the stressful situation.  Unless it's a punching, kicking kinda work out in which case you can use your emotions to fuel you to give it all you've got!  By the end of the workout you might be smiling and feeling happy.  It's because your High!  Hehe no really  when you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins.  These endorphins sends signals to your brain that reduce your perception of pain ei the no pain, no gain mantra.  Endorphins are pretty powerful stuff, they trigger a positive feeling in your body similar to that of morphine! So the next thing you know you've workout all week just to get the happy sweaty feeling, it's pretty addicting.  I mean there are ways worse things you could be addicted to right?  I'll take exercise. 

Now to the food.  I'm not saying don't have the chips, chocolate or wine I'm just saying do it in moderation and portion control it!  Don't just sit down and kill a bottle of wine. ( I know, I know totally buzz kill)  but maybe compromise a bit too.  So have a glass of wine and a salad.  Or a handful of dark chocolate chips with a serving of raspberries.  And do not, I repeat  DO NOT get the big bag of chips and sit down with them... because before you know it you'll be elbow deep and looking at the bottom  of an empty bag.  Instead pour a little and put the far away... far far away.  Better yet try tortillas with salsa or veggies and hummus... you'll feel more satisfied in the long run.

Ok so you didn't listen when I said portion the chips and put them far far away and now you feel guilty about ruining your diet.... STOP!  Like really stop it right now.  It's done it's over you can't go back and do it over so move on.  Don't let one slip up turn into a week, month of bad eating. Trust me I know I've been there.... it's easy to say next week or on Monday.  You don't need a special day,  you just need to start with your next meal and make it healthy. I personally have been struggling to I'm not beating myself up over it.  Right now I'm getting over a nasty cold and I don't feel bad eating soup and crackers because a salad is just not as comforting.  But I know it's not permanent and that this little blip in my eat and exercise routine won't wreck my goal... it's still there and I can still work towards it. For now I'm just focusing on me and my health which is ultimately what the bigger picture of is all about right? One day at a time,  One pound at a time.... We will get there :)