Well you know I just really thought that 4am was the best time to start writing a blog post apparently... Sigh. Yup I couldn't sleep, I had so many thoughts and ideas and goals running around my head for what I want to accomplish in 2017 that I almost thought maybe I should just get up and start tackling them now like say who needs sleep anyways!? OK lets add sleeping better to the list of things to accomplish in 2017 also. I don't really like calling them resolutions because no one hardly ever sticks to those so I'm going to make promises. I do feel a sense of re motivation and purpose and that I have a fresh clean slate. Goodbye 2016 you weren't horrible like most people are saying, I grew and learned alot about Myself. I also grew another pant size...
I think sometimes you have to get to that point where you've had enough and I'm there. I'm at the heaviest I've been since starting my journey 6 years ago and I really just want to be the best version of me that I know I can be. I'm done hiding, I'm done hating myself, I'm done making excuses and treating my body as a garbage can. Do you know where that's gotten me? Unhappy with the way I look because I've gained weight, out of shape because I stopped working out and lazy because I lost my mojo.
But do you want to know the one thing I haven't lost? HOPE. I know that I can be amazing because well I freaking am! And I know that I have a great life ahead of me and by golly do you know what... I'm going to Friggin' Live it! I'm got lots of passion in my heart and I have always been at this Living Lighter journey so that I could help others, I want to inspire people with my own actions. I'm going to get my ass off the couch and sweat to a work out, I'm going to drink Shakeology every day, I'm going to meal prep and plan because I know that will lead to my success, I'm also going to learn to enjoy myself too because everyone needs a Faturday in there life were you can indulge and not feel guilty and I'm going to share my journey back to ME with you. Because I want to be healthy and I want to live my life to the fullest. I'm doing this for me and nobody else. I'm going to be Selfish! I know that I can count on my own Coach for support and my Teammates are like a big second family and want you to be able to turn to me when you need my support too. I hope you continue to follow my journey and become inspired and motivated yourself. These are all my promises to myself that I can and I will make 2017 the Healthiest and Happiest year and I wish the same for you! ❤️
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