Sunday, January 22, 2017

Learn to LOVE You!

Excuse me for one tiny second well I go on a bit of a Rant.. So one my "favorite" holidays is just around the corner.... NOT!  Lol seriously the day of hearts and lovey dovey couples and just gag me now is starting to fill my Facebook and every store/restaurant you go to.  Don't get me wrong I like a little romance but a specific holiday to celebrate it is a little over the top for me.  If you love me you better be showing me every damn day not just once a year lol.  Ok End Rant onto more serious blogging... So I've decided to make this blog to all my single girls or fellow Valentine's Day haters to help guide you to finding a different kind of love this year.

Do you know how we are going to do that?  By showing ourself some LOVE! And you can get your head out of the gutter that's not what I'm talking about either. This is probably the most important thing I can tell you!  I'm talking about you and the relationship you have with yourself and your body. This is something I am working on myself. I don't love the way my body looks but I love the person I am. I know it is important though that I love my whole self not just part of me.  I am showing my body how I love it by working out and eating healthy.  These are the 2 biggest actions I am taking towards learning to love my body.  I am also trying to be confident but I haven't quite found my old flare just yet she's in here somewhere. 

So well I'm searching for confidence and learning to love my body what should I do? Maybe it's just as easy as looking for support and supporting others who are learning to love themselves too.  I was invited into this amazing Facebook group called L.O.V.E Thyself doing just that. It makes me glad to know that I am not alone and that others are learning to love themselves and have support system to do so.  It takes 2 seconds to make someones day by telling them what a good job they are doing, how beautiful they are, what a difference they are making and just about any other compliment you can think of.  The more you tell someone positive things about them the more they will start to believe it. 

I personally have a hard time accepting compliments because I sometimes only see the negatives in myself. I make up for it as I always see the positive in most situations.  I told you I am working on me too.  I think a key thing that I need to do more of is personal development. There is nothing wrong with learning to grow and to be the best version of you. I have 2 excellent books to start off and help with the process.  The first was a recommendation from that great Facebook group I was telling you about its called Pretty Happy by Kate Hudson, I was drawn to it because on the book cover it describes what I am seeking... the heathy way to love your body.  The second book I confess has been sitting on my bed side for awhile and I just need to read it!  It is You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero. I am going to end this post by telling you one more big piece of wisdom right here... BE a fucking Badass!  To hell with what other's may think, make your own rules, live your life your way and don't let anyone dull your sparkle.

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