Sunday, January 26, 2025

Side Hustle

So for over a decade now I have shared my life online and been on a journey that I called Living Lighter. Through that journey it led me to meet many amazing people and be involved in some amazing communities. Over the past decade I've joined 3 different MLM companies (gasp). Yes, you heard right! A multi-level marketing aka MLM company sells products or services through a network of people who recruit others. I have never really been a fan of the recruitment side but of the products offered and community gained through that.  I've been reflecting on these side hustles as the most recent endeavor is fading away and asking myself questions like, What's next for me? They say when one door closes another one opens.  

Did you know before I joined those 3 different MLM companies I started this blog.  It was space to record my thoughts and to keep myself accountable, I was on a weight loss journey back then. Sometimes I wonder if I was just annoying people posting my foodie pics and motivational quotes on social media but I honestly didn't care because it made me happy.  Because maybe someone else who was struggling or on their own journey saw my post and it gave them inspiration. Maybe it gives me inspiration too. 

So In case you don't know my back story this all started after I had lost 50 lbs through a lot of hard work and determination. Which I have over the years gained back and then some but at the time it led me to my first MLM and I became a Beachbody Coach. I wanted to help and motivate others to live a healthy life while still continuing my own journey. I loved being able to help inspire others and was part of Beachbody for a number of years. Now since I never focused  on recruiting I didn't particularly  make money at these ventures so after purchasing a new car I had to make a choice and car payments kind of trumped paying for my Shakeology monthly so I decided to quit.  After a about a year I got the itch that I needed a new Side Hustle so I decided to join Stella & Dot which is a jewelry based company and I did love to sparkle in their jewels and wanted to share it with others.  I quickly realized that selling it was far different then admiring it and knew it wasn't what made me feel passionate.  So the question became what was I passionate about?

Well the answer was simple.  Food.  I've always been a major foodie at heart and loved sharing my meals and what I cook especially my dairy free finds and more recently living my life as a Type 2 Diabetic. So it got me thinking how can I share food with others and still make a profit out it?  I truthfully did like having a Side Hustle and I needed it to be something I enjoyed.  Then I had a light bulb moment.  Epicure!  Epicure was a Canadian company that specialized in healthy, delicious, nutritious meal solutions and spices for families small and large.  I already had a variety of their spice blends in my pantry so I knew it was delicious.   So yeah I jumped in and for my Birthday in 2020 I signed up as a ambassador and it was the BEST. DECISION. EVER. and I've been sharing Epicure every since. 

On January 24th, 2025 I got an email that no one  saw coming Epicure has ceased its operations effective immediately.  I am shocked and sad, as I wait to learn more of what is happening I just can't help but look back on where I came from  and look forward. 

So you might be asking what's my next Side Hustle going to be? Although I don't have all the answers, I've decided it's going to be ME.  I'm taking a page from my own book and going back to what got me started to begin with.  Just having fun posting my foodie pics, motivational quotes and sunsets.  At the beginning of this year I choose my word of the year to be Nourish.  I plan to do that mind, body and soul. I want to revive my Living Lighter journey because I believe this is a journey that I'm on for life. 

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