Tuesday, March 11, 2014

In Sickness & In Health

Tired, achy, stuffed up... Not my ideal weekend but I guess getting a cold was inevitable this winter. I used to not listen to my body and just keep going making myself even more run down and sick. So this time I took the opportunity to relax and rest.
Sleeping in, watching tv and napping are things I don't generally have much time to do so it was nice to indulge. I also now it's important to stay hydrated so I drank lots of water and tea and may have let my Dad make me a Hot Toddy or two hehe (I did sleep lovely). Though I wasn't overly hungry and didn't always feel like eating I knew it was important to fuel up. There is nothing better then hot chicken noodle soup when you are sick. The stuff is like magic. I remembered how tasty my Spinach, Chicken & Tortellini soup (click here for recipe) was and happen to have the ingredients to make it, so I did! Its like the grown-up version of the classic soup.
Not working out is killing me! I had planned to start a new program the 21 Day Fix and am super excited about it. I don't want to make myself even worse by pushing to hard so I am not working out. Trust me getting up and going to work is workout enough! How do you take care of yourself when your sick? 
I know injuries have side lined me in the past. In fact I had mentioned in my Secret Weapon post that I have had knee surgery. I do think that this did play a part in my weight gain, as I thought I couldn't do anything.  Strangely enough going through my physio the physiotherapist told me she wanted to bottle up my enthusiasm and sell as I recovered very quickly (I was in grade 9 and being in a wheelchair in high school not so fun).  This past fall I suffered a foot injury, I probably should have seen a doctor as I'm pretty sure I actually broke part of my foot. I didn't but I rested it lots and exercised only occasionally.
Taking a mutli-vitamin, eating right and exercising are a good start. Stretching before and after I have learned is sooo important in muscle healing. One workout without stretching had me so sore for a week!  Speaking of stretching I should/could try to incorporate yoga or pilates into my routine (I will get a chance with the 21 Day Fix!). Also I know a few people who use foam rollers to loosen muscles and stretch out, I looked into this but for me it was a bit pricey but I guess no pain is worth the price! I do know every once in awhile it's nice to treat myself to a massage! What do you use to prevent injuries & sickness?

1 comment:

  1. living with toddlers, who go to preschool- they are germ factories.

    I dont really have a battle plan except washing hands etc.
