Saturday, June 3, 2017

Why is this $h!T so Hard?

Ughh why is losing weight so hard?  Why can't I just stick to it and just commit?  I know I want to change because I am not happy with my current size and how I feel but every time I try,  I start out strong and then just fizzle out.  I was on an amazing Team Call the other night and it gave me so much inspiration and made me want to dream again and to believe again.  It made me realize the only thing standing in my way is ME!

The call was with Beachbody's newest trainer Chris Downing and he shared his story with us and the meaning behind his new program Shift Shop. He talked alot about purpose and man that guy definitely has a pure purpose and I believe his program is going to change so many people.  The shift is not just a physical one but it is a mental one too. So not only do you get to sweat hard but you get to search within yourself and find your own purpose. 

I have kind of forgotten my purpose and I think maybe it's time for me to share a bigger part of my story with you.  You see I've struggled to understand what my purpose is. I always used to think that everything happened for a reason but I had lost faith in that. I had lost faith in alot of things. Me being one of them.  My purpose, my why hit me a few summers ago while at our Coach Summit in Nashville.  And I mean it hit me so hard like a giant light bulb switch had turned on.  I had a to take a moment because I broke down into tears so happy to finally know I had a reason, a passion.  I'd like to share it with you. This is a note I wrote to myself that day because I needed to put into words what I was feeling that day...

I was sitting in the general session at Summit and was listening to Lindsay Matway, one of the top coaches in the company tell her story and it made me realize my purpose and my why.

So her story resonated with me because she had lost her brother to brain cancer and promised him to take care of her younger brother's. I myself have lost my cousin, over 10 years ago to cancer. We were the same age, she was my first best friend, she was so young and full of life. I often wonder why her and why not me. I've just seemed so lost and like a failure in life. I often wonder why I was put here, for what purpose.

When I found Beachbody I thought this could be my passion! But since I've been so lost in life, I've been unmotivated and not truly happy.  So I've struggled and I haven't been consistent in my business and as a result I haven't went anywhere or made a lot of money. 

But now I know my purpose, my reason why.... I'm here to help other people reach their goals... that's why I'm still alive! I want to save others from drowning in their bodies like I have done and continue to do with myself!

Yeah pretty powerful right?  You'd think I wouldn't forget that but I did lose sight and lost part of my passion for awhile.  Much of the bottom part of that note is still true and it's because I've been standing in my own way and not believing in myself and in my dreams. This is something that Chris said to do on the call,  have a moment of reflection. Write yourself a letter.... ask yourself: What do you really truly want? What is your dreams? and you write that letter. Then you read yourself that letter everyday and you read it when ever you feel down and you read it before you go to sleep. When you read that letter you believe that everything​ you've written is the truth and that your dreams will come true.  Love, Empower and Inspire those are now part of my goals.  Thank you for letting me share my story and journey with you, you are part of my passion and purpose. I hope I can continue to empower you to be your Best You. I know I want to be the best me.

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